“Transactions” in LA Civil Court E-Filings
$20 Order Fee Waived When Paying First Appearance Fees
1st District Court of Appeal
2020 California Rules of Court – Rule 2.251. Electronic service
2nd District Court of Appeal
3rd District Court of Appeal
4th District Court of Appeal
5th District Court of Appeal
6th District Court of Appeal
Add a San Diego Civil Unlawful Detainer Case from an Accepted Case Initiation
Add a San Diego Civil Unlawful Detainer Case to Your Account
Add an Also Known As (AKA) or or Doing Business As (DBA) for a Party in Los Angeles Civil
Add Ventura Court Cases to Your Account
Advanced Searches in the San Diego Civil and Probate Divisions
Alameda Superior Court Civil Information and FAQs
An Update to the Los Angeles Civil Division’s Transition to Electronic Filing
As To Field in Los Angeles Civil filings
California AB 3088: The Tenant Relief Act
California Appeals Self-Help Resource Center
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1010.6
California Court Contacts
California Court E-Filing Fees and EFSP Provider Service Fees
California Court E-Filing Fees on Credit Card Statements and Green Filing Service Fees
California Electronic Filing Cutoff Time for Received Filings
California Electronic Filing Cutoff Time for Served Filings
California Hearing Dates and Electronic Filing
California Maintenance Schedule Days and Times
California Nonrefundable Jury Fee FAQs
California Seals All Limited Unlawful Detainers
California Small Claims FAQs
California Superior Courts Accepting E-Filings Outside the Odyssey® eFileCA System
Civil eFiling Document Name List for LASC
Collection of Stipulation Fees in the San Diego Civil Court
Complaints and Petitions with Fee Waiver Applications in Los Angeles Civil Cases
Copies of Proposed Orders in Los Angeles Civil Courts
Court Backlog with Los Angeles Civil eFiling
Courtesy Copies Required In the San Diego Civil Courts
Courtesy Copy Delivery Available for Select California Courts
Create a Service of Process Order
Dissolution of Marriage in the San Diego Family Court
Document Availability once Submitted and Processed In LA Civil Cases
Document Type for Notice of Appeals in Los Angeles Superior Civil Courts
Documents And / Or Case Types Not Eligible for E-Filing in San Diego Civil
Documents Exempt from E-Filing in Los Angeles Civil Courts
E-File a Confidential Document in the Los Angeles Civil Courts
E-File a Document Under Seal in the Los Angeles Civil Courts
E-File a Document Under Seal in the Orange County Civil Court
E-Filed Documents not Printed for the Court File
E-Filing Now Available in the Los Angeles Superior Court Appellate Division
E-Filing Training for the California Courts
E-Service through the Los Angeles Civil Courts
eFiling Now Available in the Ventura Superior Court
Estimated Fees in the San Diego Civil and Probate Courts
Ex Parte Filing Guidelines for Los Angeles Civil Courts
Fax Filing and eDelivery in Los Angeles Civil Courts
Fee Waivers for Litigant and Government Entities in LA Civil Courts
File a Proposed Order in Santa Clara County, CA
File an Ex Parte in the Los Angeles Civil Court
File on an Existing Case in Los Angeles Civil Court
File on an Existing Case in the Alameda, California Superior Civil Courts
File on an Existing Case in the California Appellate Court
File on an Existing Case in the Los Angeles Family Court
File on an Existing Case in the Odyssey® eFileCA Superior Courts
File on an Existing Case in the Riverside, California Superior Courts
File on an Existing Case in the San Diego Civil Courts
File on an Existing Case in the Tulare, California Superior Courts
File on an Existing Complex Civil Case in the Los Angeles Superior Courts
File Stamp on Los Angeles Civil Court Documents
First Appearance Fees and Stipulations in the San Diego Civil Court
Fix Los Angeles Probate filings when the court auto-rejects it
Fix the Pre-submit fee calculation error: Invalid subCase attribute Error
Hyperlinking within a PDF Document
Important Notice For Orange County Probate
Incorrect Fees Charged in Los Angeles Civil and Request for Refund Information
Initiate a New Case in Los Angeles Civil Court
Initiate a New Case in Los Angeles Civil Court with a Waiver
Initiate a New Case in the Alameda, California Superior Civil Courts
Initiate a New Case in the California Appellate Court
Initiate a New Case in the Los Angeles Family Court
Initiate a New Case in the Odyssey® eFileCA Superior Courts
Initiate a New Case in the Riverside, California Superior Courts
Initiate a New Case in the San Diego Civil and Probate Courts
Initiate a New Case in the Tulare, California Superior Courts
Initiate a New Case with a CCP 1033 or B&P 6322 Code
Initiate a New Complex Civil Case in the Los Angeles Superior Courts
Initiate a Small Claims Case in the Los Angeles Civil Court
Initiate a Small Claims Case in the Orange County Civil Court
Initiate a Small Claims Case Related to Covid-19 Rent in Riverside, California
JCCP Cases in the Los Angeles Superior Court
Judge Assignments in Los Angeles Civil Case Initiations
Kings County Superior Court no longer assesses a Court Reporter Fee
LASC Announcement Regarding Processing of Requests for Dismissal (Unlimited Cases Only)
Los Angeles Civil Division Eliminating Direct Fax Filing
Los Angeles Civil Document Type Code List
Los Angeles Civil Fees Do Not Show When Court Reservation System (CRS) Number Entered
Los Angeles Civil Filings for Non-Parties
Los Angeles Civil Request for Refund with Green Filing as the Depositor
Los Angeles Complex Civil Filings With Unusually High Estimated Filing Fees
Los Angeles County Civil E-Filing FAQs
Los Angeles Probate to Begin Accepting Letters via e-Filing
Los Angeles Superior Court Complex Civil Information and FAQs
Los Angeles Superior Court Family Information and FAQs
Los Angeles Superior Court Mental Health E-Filing FAQs
Los Angeles Superior Court’s Top 5 Probate Rejection Reasons
Motions and First Paper/Appearance Fees in Placer, CA
New and Revised Judicial Council Forms for Unlawful Detainers in California
New mandatory start date for Los Angeles Complex Civil Division
New Santa Clara County Technology Fee Effective January 22, 2018
Notice of Case Assignment when E-Filing a New Complaint or Petition in LA Unlimited Civil Cases
Obtain Certified Copies in the Los Angeles Civil Courts
Odyssey® eFileCA Superior Courts Accepting E-Filings
Orange County, California Family Law E-filing
Orange County, California General Family Law Electronic Filing Exception List
Pay Appeals Fees for a Notice of Appeal in Los Angeles Civil
Pay Fees for an Application of (or Renewal of) Pro Hac Vice in Los Angeles Civil Cases
Pay Jury Fees via E-Filing in Los Angeles Civil Courts
Paying the Convenience Fee when the Attorney is Court-Appointed in Los Angeles Civil Courts
Payment Options for Court Filing Fees in the State of California
Payment Processing Upgrade For California
Payment Processor Information for E-Filing in the State of California
Printed Courtesy Copies for Contra Costa County Court Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Fresno County Court Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Los Angeles Civil Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Los Angeles Family Court Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Los Angeles Probate Court Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Orange County Family Court Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Riverside County Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for San Diego Family Court Cases
Printed Courtesy Copies for Santa Clara County Court Cases
Probate Letters in the Los Angeles Superior Court
Proof of Service and Electronic Service in California Courts
Proposed Order Processing in Los Angeles County Probate Cases
Proposed Orders in Los Angeles Superior Probate Court
Proposed Orders in Santa Clara Superior Court
Proposed Orders in the Los Angeles Civil Division
Re-Add Your San Diego Civil Cases to Your Account
Recovering E-Filing Convenience Fees in California Courts
Remember to E-File Your Documents as Text Searchable PDFs
Request a Refund in the El Dorado Superior Court
Request for Refund in the Alameda Superior Court of California
Request for Refunds in eFileCA Courts
Requests for Refund in the San Diego Superior Court’s CIVIL Division
Resubmit Rejected Filings in San Diego Superior Court Civil Division
Sacramento Superior Court E-Filing FAQs
San Bernardino Filings Rejected for a Missing Attorney Bar Number
San Diego County Family Court FAQs
San Diego Family Law E-Filing Exception List
San Diego Superior Court Expands Electronic Filing for Civil and Probate Matters
San Diego Superior Court Family Law Division E-Filing Exemption List
Santa Clara Auto-accepted Civil E-filing Document Types
Santa Clara County Civil Arbitration Voucher Form CV-5062
Scanning Documents with Original Signatures in California Courts
Schedule a Hearing Date for Motions in Los Angeles Civil Cases
Seek a Court Refund Rather Than Disputing Charges with Your Bank
Select the Correct Filing Code for Proposed Orders in the Stanley Mosk Probate Court
Selecting the Wrong Court Location in Los Angeles Civil Cases
Self-represented Litigant E-Filing in Los Angeles Civil Courts
Service of Process in Select Courts via Case Initiations
Stanislaus County Hearing Dates
Statutory Requirements for Preservation of any Statute of Limitation E-Filings
Superior Court of California County of Riverside Civil FAQs
Superior Court of California Fee Schedule
Superior Court of Kern County filings NOT permitted for e-filing at this time
The California Rules of Court
The EFSP Community and those eFiling in Los Angeles Superior Court Civil cases between February 17 and February 24, 2022.
The General Order that Governs E-Filing for Los Angeles Civil
The Return of Signed Orders at the Los Angeles Superior Civil Courts
The Superior Court of California – County of Los Angeles – Appellate eFiling FAQs
The Superior Court of California – County of Ventura – eFiling FAQs
Tulare Superior Court of California FAQs
Typical Rejection Reasons for Filings in the California Courts
UD-101—Plaintiff’s Mandatory Coversheet and Supplemental Allegations in the State of California
Undue Hardship Caused from Errors from Los Angeles Civil e-Filing Manager Software
Unlimited Civil Case Assignments in Los Angeles’ 91801 Zip Code
Update: Rejected New Case Filings with Request to Waive Fees without an Order Attached