Effective December 16, 2024, the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles will require that all documents filed in Appellate Division cases by litigants represented by attorneys be submitted to the Court by electronic filing (efiling). Efiled documents in the Appellate Division are subject to Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6, Penal Code section […]
Category: Los Angeles
E-Filing Now Available in the Los Angeles Superior Court Appellate Division
On December 16, 2024, the Los Angeles Superior Court Appellate Division moved to electronic filing (e-filing).
Unlimited Civil Case Assignments in Los Angeles’ 91801 Zip Code
The Los Angeles Superior Court’s Civil Division utilizes a random assignment system, known as an “assignment wheel,” for UNLIMITED CIVIL case initiations filed into zip code 91801.
Probate Letters in the Los Angeles Superior Court
Effective May 1, 2024, filers will have the ability to request Certified Copies of the Probate Letters they are filing into a case via the e-filing system for decedent, guardianship and conservatorship matters. When filing into the existing case, filers will still select the appropriate document type and upload that document in Section 2 of […]
Proposed Orders in the Los Angeles Civil Division
The Los Angeles Superior Court — in accordance with California Rule of Court 3.1312 (c) — now requires all parties electronically filing (e-filing) proposed orders for Civil Division cases (except for small claims cases) to submit proposed orders as both a PDF (Portable Document File) AND as a separate editable word-processing file (Microsoft Word document […]
Los Angeles Superior Court Mental Health E-Filing FAQs
1. HOW DOES EFILING WORK? Electronic filing of court documents occurs through an electronic filing service provider (EFSP). The hospital will create an account and the efiling system manages the flow of the documents to and from the Court. There is no fee for LPS-designated facilities. The hospital user/filer will submit the documents to the […]
Initiate a Small Claims Case in the Los Angeles Civil Court
These instructions are to initiate a new SMALL CLAIMS case in the Los Angeles Civil Court. If you have an existing Small Claims case number, you will want to file on that existing case—even if you have never filed on the case in our system before—following these instructions. VIEW CALIFORNIA SMALL CLAIMS FAQS HERE Table […]
Select the Correct Filing Code for Proposed Orders in the Stanley Mosk Probate Court
Select the correct Filing Code to ensure proper routing of your proposed order in the Stanley Mosk Probate Court.
Los Angeles Probate to Begin Accepting Letters via e-Filing
Permissive e-Filing starting March 1, 2023 On March 1, 2023, electronic filing will become available to attorneys and self-represented litigants in the Probate Division for Probate Letters in decedent, guardianship, and conservatorship matters, including: Letters of Special Administration Letters of Administration/Testamentary Letters of Conservatorship (Temporary and General) Letters of Guardianship (Temporary and General) Mandatory e-filing […]
Printed Courtesy Copies for Los Angeles Probate Court Cases
In certain instances, and pursuant to Los Angeles Superior Court Local Rule and/or General Order, a courtesy copy must be submitted to the court on the same day the document is electronically filed, or if efiled after 5:00 p.m., immediately the next business day. If an opposition to an ex parte is filed after 4:00p.m. […]