For users that have requested us to serve parties via our new service, you may directly communicate with your process server after the filing has been submitted and your order is listed as Dispatched.

Please note: users will need to add a SEPARATE message for EACH party in your filing as our service team sees each party as a separate order.

To do so, return to the accepted filing—click FILING STATUS on the left menu and then click the accepted filing ID—and scroll to the Service of Process Section of the filing.

Each party will have it’s own status and in that row of the table, you can click the link View Service History – Send Message.

Send a message

When you click the View Service History – Send Message link, a popup will display which allows you to choose the type of message you are sending (ie. Update Address, Question about Fees, Status Request, etc) and then send a brief message (no more than 500 characters long).

Send a message

Current Message Types