To add your Ventura Superior Court case to your account, adjust your case number by removing the first two digits, all dashes, and the three-letter suffix. For example, case 56-2023-00123456-CU-OE-VTA will be reformatted as 202300123456CUOE.
Category: Ventura
The Superior Court of California – County of Ventura – eFiling FAQs
1. How does e-Filing work? Electronic filing of court documents occurs through a certified Electronic Filing Service Provider, or EFSP. The filing party creates an account with the certified EFSP of their choice, uploads filing documents, and pays any court fees and specific service or convenience fees to the EFSP. The EFSP transmits documents and […]
eFiling Now Available in the Ventura Superior Court
Effective December 9, 2024, permissive e-filing is available into the following case types in the Ventura Superior Court: Unlimited Civil, Limited Civil, Small Claims, and Probate case types.